The LIFE SAFE-CROSSING project at the IENE 2022 International Conference (19-23 September 2022 Cluj-Napoca, Romania).

In the frame of the Conference the LIFE SAFE-CROSSING project organized the workshop “Identifying best solutions to mitigate impacts of roads on large carnivores: a multi-stakeholder approach”.

The main objective of this workshop was to present the approach followed by LIFE SAFE-CROSSING project to design, implement, and monitor measures to reduce large carnivore road mortality risk. This represented a great opportunity for replication activities outside the project area.

The workshop was attended by around 40 people (researchers, ecologists, nature and road authorities and private businesses) coming from different European countries.

This project is funded with the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union

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Photos: Manuel Moral Castro; Haritakis Papaioanou, Balkan Chamois Society, Pindos, Valentino Mastrella/PNALM, Angelina Iannarelli/PNALM