Video game “Avoid it!!” ready for download on App stores!

We have published the video game “Avoid it!!” on the App stores (for Android and iOS). It has been produced in order to reach young people, the future drivers. We want to draw their attention onto the problem of the impact of roads on wildlife, and how important it is to drive carefully. In the game it is foreseen to avoid the animals crossing the roads of the 4 countries of the project.


The video game will be circulated through social media and at local events. Please help us sharing it!



This project is funded with the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union

Download our app to report your sightings
Download our app to report your sightings on Apple Store   Download our app to report your sightings on Play Google

Download our videogame
Download our app to report your sightings on Apple Store   Download our app to report your sightings on Play Google

Photos: Manuel Moral Castro; Haritakis Papaioanou, Balkan Chamois Society, Pindos, Valentino Mastrella/PNALM, Angelina Iannarelli/PNALM