The LIFE SAFE-CROSSING project aims at implementing actions to reduce the impact of roads on some priority species in four European countries: Marsican brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus) and wolf (Canis lupus) in Italy, Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) in Spain, and Brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Greece and Romania.

These species are severely threatened by road infrastructures, both by direct mortality as well as by the barrier effect. In order to mitigate these effects we will rely on the experience gained in a previous LIFE Project LIFE STRADE project (http://www.lifestrade.it/index.php/en/)  (LIFE11BIO/IT/072), during which an innovative tool for the prevention of Animal-Vehicle Collisions, was successfully installed in 17 sites in central Italy. It was also seen that one of the main causes of the road kills is the low level of awareness and attention of drivers regarding the risk of collisions with wildlife.

The LIFE SAFE-CROSSING project therefore aims at the following objectives:

  • Demonstration of the use of the innovative Animal-Vehicle Collision (AVC PS) Prevention tools 
  • Reduction of the risk of traffic collisions with the target species
  • Improve connectivity and favor movements for the target populations
  • Increase the attention of drivers in the project areas about the risk of collisions with the target species

The project involves 13 partners NGO, private companies and public bodies. The participation of Terni Province will ensure the transfer of expertise from the LIFE STRADE project to the new areas.

The SAFE-CROSSING project area includes 29 Natura 2000 sites (SCIs). By reducing the direct mortality and the fragmentation represented by roads the project will contribute to the biodiversity value within the singe sites, as well as to the connectivity between the SCIs. The connectivity is increased both by reducing the habitat fragmentation as well as by improving the cooperation between the management authorities and stakeholders in the sites. The standardization of the methods and best practices can be used to be exported to other areas. Finally, the intense effort of awareness raising during the project will also increase the knowledge of the local communities and tourists about the Natura 2000 network.


This project is funded with the contribution of the LIFE programme of the European Union

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Photos: Manuel Moral Castro; Haritakis Papaioanou, Balkan Chamois Society, Pindos, Valentino Mastrella/PNALM, Angelina Iannarelli/PNALM